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Jane Christina Farley is an artist, researcher and educator. Born in Leicester, educated in Leicester, Leeds and London she has worked as a teacher in Secondary schools, Adult Education, Further Education and National Museums and Art Galleries.

She is currently a lecturer at The National Gallery and provides tailor made lectures for adult and university groups across a wide variety of galleries and museums.

Since completing an MA in Artist-Teachers and Contemporary Practices at Goldsmiths college , University of London in 2010 she has continued to research various artistic themes and produce related art work.  She is a member of the Buckinghamshire Visual Image Group and is currently working towards an exhibition in 2021. Further details to follow.



Leicester Polytechnic Pre-diploma course 1971-1972

Leeds University Fine Art  B.A. Hons           1972-1976

Goldsmiths College, University of London,  Artist-Teachers and Contemporary Practices - awarded with Merit  2007-2010


Work and Experience

Museum Research Assistant - Leicester Museum and Art Gallery

Assistant Museum Curator - Sutton Borough Libraries

Adult Education and Further Education Lecturer - Leeds, Beds, Bucks

Art Teaching - various schools in Bedfordshire

Head of Art Department - Secondary Education P/T and F/T

 Gallery Lecturer -The National Gallery, London

Freelance Art Gallery and Museum Lecturer - various adult groups

Member of the Association of Dress Historians


Recent Exhibitions

Goldsmiths MA Exhibitions, London 2008, 2009 and 2010

Open Studio  2017

The Workhouse Gallery, Dunstable, Beds. Oct - Nov 2017

Research Paper entitled  “British Artists and their Use of Dress as a Means of Self-expression 1910-1920” presented at Association of Dress Historians Conference, London.  26th October 2018











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